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Preschool Program

Our preschool has a great variety of activities to help develop social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills.  We believe practice and repetition is such an important component and strive to obtain a well rounded program to fit each child’s individual needs.  Our preschool curriculum provides ample opportunities to learn many basic concepts for the children to develop the necessary skills to enter kindergarten.

Feel free to have a read through the preschool parent handout below.

Preschool Registration Forms below.

Building Blocks Preschool Daily Schedule:

Greet and Free Play: Children come in and find their name/number/address and play with an assortment of learning activities while waiting for their friends to arrive.

Circle Time: Children sit as a group and learn letters, numbers, colours, songs, and theme based information.

Table Activities: Children will have a designated art activity, worksheets, math games, science exploring, and manipulatives to work on.

Clean Up: All the children work together to help clean up their classroom.

Washing and snack: Children will learn to take turns and wait patiently while washing their hands and having a snack as a class.

Outside/Gross Motor Activity: Every month we will have a physical activity the children will learn as a group such as yoga, gymnastics, soccer, baseball, volleyball, ect.

Circle Time: Children sit as a group while they listen to a story from a book, made from a felt story, or recorded from a CD.

Dismissal: We review what we have learned over the preschool day, sing our good-bye song, and make time for parents to talk.

Our preschool offers a 2 day a week program, a 3 day a week program, or now a 5 day a week program.

Our 2 day/week program:  This class takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Our 3 day/week program: Our 3 day a week program takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Our 5 day/week program: We realize our schedules can be very busy so we allow the parent to decide what class they would like their child to attend, and do not restrict due to age.  We also know some parents would like their child to be in a program every day and offer a 5 day a week program for those who feel this would benefit them.  We do want parents to know that the preschool days would be repetitive because our Monday and Tuesday class are based the same curriculum as well as on our Wednesday Thursday class.

All children must be potty-trained, or in the midst of potty training, so pull ups are allowed.  Please remember accidents happen so please keep and extra pair of clothes incase of an accident.  If there are no clothes in their backpack parents will be called to come bring a new pair of clothing.

Preschool Supplies:

* Inside shoes/slippers (crocks are the best because they are easily put on and off)

* Change of clothes (shirt, pants, socks & underwear)

* A back pack (to put their work or any notices in)

* A healthy snack and water container